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Two-Deep Leadership

It is important that whenever you are participating in scouting related activities that you always follow the guidelines of Youth Protection Training. Among these rules is two-deep leadership.

For all campouts and meetings, there needs to be at least two adult leaders at all times. There will be no one-on-one meetings between an adult and a Scout.

This rule also applies when contacting adults outside of face-to-face interactions. Scouts must always cc another adult such as their parent whenever they are emailing any adult in the Troop. Additionally, Scouts should have a parent sitting next to them listening in to any phone call that needs to happen with another adult leader. Finally, Scouts need to make sure that they set up a group chat with one of their parents and the adult they are trying to contact when sending text messages.

There should never be individual contact between a Scout and an adult whether it be in-person or online. In order to make sure everyone stays safe and has fun, always make sure there is a second adult that knows what is going on.

© 2024 Troop 1114 | Magnolia, TX - Boy Scouts of America
© 2024 Troop 1114 | Magnolia, TX - Boy Scouts of America